Master of Our Own Destiny
the day we were born into the world, each of us are
predestined or prearranged with this special code of
destiny that influences various parts of our life. Some
believe that it actually account for more than 40%.
one be able to create a new destiny or change one's
fate and take control of one's life?
believe that our destiny is not predestined and can
be changed. How true it is? We want to be master of
our own destiny, and believe that if we try hard enough,
we can be just anything we want. But can it really happen
or is it just that we are not trying hard enough?
methods ;
- Chiromancy
(palmistry, study of the lines and signs of the hands)
(Four pillars of destiny)
Zi Wei Dou Shu
(Purple Star Astrology)
(Ancient Chinese Astrology)
Tarot, Numerology
(Reading of a crystal ball or sphere)
Life Readings give an accurate description of a person's
life according to the year, month, day and hour of birth.
Beside one's personality, it also reveals individual
strengths and weaknesses that may be applied to career
choices and other major life decision.
{ Life Reading Vs Feng Shui ( Which is important }